ZO® Skin Health


Skin aging is a natural progression influenced by a blend of genetic predisposition, lifestyle choices, and environmental variables.

These factors collectively dictate the onset and manifestation of aging signs, which can encompass lines, sun-related damage, surface irregularities, rough skin texture, uneven skin tone, and the emergence of wrinkles. By prioritising proper skin care and protection tailored to your unique needs, Nurse Emily will aim to help you achieve a radiant and healthy complexion at either her Wimbledon or South Kensington clinic.

During your consultation, Nurse Emily will address your specific skin concerns while also conducting a comprehensive clinical evaluation of your skin’s condition. For those unable to visit an Atanga clinic in person, Nurse Emily offers the convenience of video consultations. Afterwards a customised ZO® Skin Health regimen will be developed to address your current dermatological requirements and proactively prevent potential issues.

It’s important to note that ZO® Skin Health products are not available for online purchase within the UK. These products should be used only following a thorough consultation with Nurse Emily who is a fully trained ZO authorised retailer. To access additional details regarding the complete range of ZO® Skin Health products, please visit zoskinhealth.com.